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NAB 2015 Recap

featureNAB 2015 was Amazing!

We want to thank everyone who was able to stop by our booth and say hello!  We introduced multiple new products and updates, won awards, gave talks and gave away some amazing prizes.  It is always a pleasure to be able to share our passions with everyone.  If you weren’t able to make it this year, we are already planning for next time around, so see you all next year in Las Vegas at NAB 2016!

Enjoy a video roundup of the highlights of our time at NAB 2015.

John Pallett sits in on “Future of Broadcasting” panel presented by Teradek:


CEO Dan Castles speaking about our newest products Tempo and the K80 Lightspeed Server, as well as

Dynamic Ad Insertion with Vantage:


Our Technical Trainer, Kevin Louden, on the spread of Telestream products

from Desktop to Enterprise:

Desktop Application Specialist Andrew Haley speaks with MacVoices about

new updates for our Desktop Products:

TVTechnology recognized our VOD Producer DAI for Best in Show 2015!

Jim Duvall tells us all about it here:

We reprised our Switch and Win giveaway from last year to great success!

Congrats to our three winners:



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